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Signs You May Have Cancer And 8 Signs You Don’t Have Cancer

Cancer is a scary word that nobody enjoys hearing but the reality is that the sooner it’s diagnosed, the sooner treatment can begin and your life can get back to some sort of normalcy. Knowing the facts and understanding the symptoms is a good way to make sure if something isn’t right, it’s caught early. Here are six signs that you may have cancer.

1. Unintentional weight loss
Unless you are actively trying to lose weight, randomly losing a significant amount of weight is definitely worth seeing a doctor over. If you’ve noticed that you’ve managed to lost 10 lbs in the last few weeks without any changes to your diet or exercise regime, go and ask your local doctor.

2. Changes to your skin
It’s important to take notice of your actual skin condition and not just the moles and freckles you have. A lot of the time yellowed, reddened or darker patches of skin can be a sign of something sinister. It can also be a symptom of skin problems lurking beneath and not cancerous but it’s always best to double check with your doctor.

3. Severe pain
Depending on the type of cancer you may experience prolonged periods of pain in the affected area. Cancer’s like bone, brain and ovarian cancers do tend to first be noticed because of the pain associated with it. However, a lot of cancer’s have no pain whatsoever.

4. Unhealed sores
From mouth ulcers that haven’t healed to scabs that have taken far too long to disappear, these scabs can be a sign that either your immune system isn’t functioning normally or that the type of cancer (like mouth or oral) is showing up on the surface.

5. Unexplained bleeding
If your morning cough has started to turn bloody or your normal discharge doesn’t look so normal anymore, it’s a sign that you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Cancer’s like lung can take a while to develop enough for you to see the physical effects of it so as soon as you notice a change in your body, consult a professional asap.

6. Changes in bowel movements
While everyone’s bowel movements change depending on what food they’ve recently indulged in, if you notice things changing relatively quickly or have gone from solid to liquid or painful then it might be a sign that your intestines and bowel aren’t working the way they are meant.
It’s important to keep in mind that while being vigilant and taking notice of changes is vital, a lot of these symptoms and signs can be attributed to other less life threatening illnesses so before jumping to any conclusions, consult your local doctor and find out what’s going on.
8 Signs You Don’t Have Cancer
It’s something that even the most rational mind can jump to when sitting in a doctor’s office waiting for some part of their anatomy to be tested. It’s no surprise really, when everything we do we are told adds to our risk of getting cancer. However, if you are spending endless amount of time worrying and stressing over the potential for cancer to creep up on you, here are some signs to help ease your mind.
1. You’ve had it for ages

That headache, cough or spot that you’ve had for years isn’t something you should necessarily worry about. If you are prone to migraines and think that you might be having more severe ones, it could be down to lifestyle choices rather than the Big C.

2. Symptoms that come and go
Cancer tends to be something that sticks around for a while. Whether that be a persistent feeling of dizziness that hangs around for weeks or a pain that won’t stop burning, it isn’t usually something that comes and goes.

3. You’re under 40
Of the most common cancers (lung, bowel, gullet, womb and stomach) less than 1 % of patients are under 40. So if you are in your twenties and are passed your childhood years you have a very good chance of not having cancer.

4. You don’t smoke
Of course if you don’t smoke, drink alcohol or eat unhealthy food that would be great but even just not smoking can greatly reduce your chances and risk of suffering from cancer. Sadly, smoking can be linked to about 14 different cancers.

5. It’s just a headache
Whether you’re a hypochondriac or just hyper vigilant with how your body works, a lot of people who suffer from a headache immediately jump to brain tumour. Now, it’s important to understand that if you are only experiencing a headache pain and nothing else (like dizziness, confusion or nausea) it’s probably exactly that – just a headache.

6. It hurts on both sides
Of your breasts that is. Of course it’s normal for women to worry about breast cancer and feeling pain is one of the first signs that sends women to their GP for a mammogram. However, if you are experiencing the same sort of pain in both breasts, it’s probably something other than a cancerous lump.


7. Your doctor says everything is okay
So you’ve been proactive and gone to get tested and the results have come back and everything is fine. Relax! This is what you were waiting for. A lot of people want to get a second opinion just in case or worry that the doctor missed something but you need to put trust in the people who are handling your medical issues.

8. It’s a painful lump
Of course there are some exceptions however most of the time cancerous lumps like in the breast or elsewhere on the body don’t tend to be painful. Sometimes painful lumps turn out to be infected glands or cysts.
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